What To Remember When God Is Silent


Ever wish you could take a deep breath and push the pause button?  

Freeze time in a moment of serenity – these little moments are so few and far between…   

Noise is the norm. Chaos is our currency for everyday life.   

There’s always something to do and somewhere to be; errands, work, friends, family time, cooking dinner, cleaning. And in my case… more work! Don’t forget the bombardment of culture telling you who to be, and which way to turn, which next boss move to make, how to look, and who to be.  

I can save the post for all that ‘noise’ for a different day. Because sometimes, there’s something harder than filtering through the never-ending noise of our day to day: 

Sitting with the Silence. 

Oh, silence. There are so many layers to silence. It’s such a challenge to find it, face it, embrace it and endure it. Because we are on this never-ending journey to become more, build more, try more, and be more. Who has time for silence and stillness????? We rarely take time to be still, and consequently we aren’t used to silence.  

It makes it hard to voluntarily enter that realm where we sit still with ourselves, our spirit, and our Maker – and hear what He has to say.   

But what about this: what about getting to that place, wholly expectant for encouragement and guidance, and not ‘hearing’ anything?  

Got a story for ya. 

I was in this exact place one evening a few months ago. Literally in the midst of a season of gray area – fog – clouds – and waiting. Can you relate to that feeling? Almost like, you know you’re supposed to take steps forward, but you’re not sure where you’re going. 

I remember the night so vividly, and you may remember I shared a tiny piece of it on Instagram when it happened. 

It was 8 or 9pm, the sun was completely gone and it was a breezy fall night in Texas. My little brother was over at my house working out in my garage, so Riley and I were just holding hands walking up and down the sidewalk, as he sang the chorus to “Jesus loves me” over and over. I was completely in my own world. I vividly remember just looking up at the sky, holding Riley’s hand, pleading with God. So many pressing questions, and lack of assurance and direction in my heart.  

I begged God to dialogue with me – give me something! Answers. Direction. A sign? Something.   

And as I was staring into the sky, there was a break in the clouds and a shooting star fell for what seemed like an eternity. I just stopped and stood there. I came back to earth when I felt Riley pulling on my hand to keep walking. As I stood there with my mouth open, my hair, robe and thoughts just blowing around in the wind – I heard God say this over my spirit:  

“Just because you can’t hear me, doesn’t mean I can’t hear you.” 


Talk about stunned. Riley’s voice faded back into my world… “for the bible tells me so…”… 

God’s ‘answer’ for my questions was this: I AM. I am good. I am here. I am for you. I’m with you. Not, “Go here. Be this person. Do this. Do that.”  

Sometimes, the easiest thing to do when we’re lost is to just simply remember and reflect on who God is. He’s our Maker; He knows us. He’s our healer. He’s our friend, He cares and wants to listen. He’s our tear-wiper, our secret-keeper, our burden lifter. But he’s also God. He knows things we never will, He sees things we’ll never see, and orchestrates miracles every day that go completely unseen and unnoticed. 

So next time you’re brave enough to take the time to go to that silent place, just think about what I learned – it’s not about all the answers you get. It’s about being with God, and trusting that He sees you. He hears you. He loves you. He doesn’t have a planner or a watch or work in monthly or daily increments.  

His timing is perfect. One day, we’ll stand on the mountaintop and see why everything was the way it was. For now, just reach out for His hand on the journey and trust that He’s leading. 

P.S. : I created a print in my Shop from this divine experience. You can grab one to frame for your home, office, friend or gift for someone, here!  


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